Variable Speed Pumps

Traditional single speed pumps constantly operate at 3450 R.P.M. (Revolutions Per Minute). The new energy efficient variable speed pumps can be programmed to operate from 0 – 3450 RPM. This is significant because pool vacuums and cleaning systems only need to operate at 2850 RPM for several hours to be highly effective. The remaining time, the pump can be running at a greatly reduced RPM to filter the water more efficiently. The Variable Speed Pump was engineered to run quieter and cooler by using permanent magnet motors (like those used in hybrid cars). The less energy efficient induction motors used on all traditional pumps use 40-60% more electricity.

Many of our customers report savings of over $50/month on their electric bill.

Call 623-566-9150 today for a Free Estimate!

Intelliflow Variable Speed Pump – pool contractor review