Do you constantly have to worry about a clean and safe pool? We have the three biggest do’s and don’ts to keeping your pool clean for the summer and to keep your peace of mind when it comes to clean and clear pool care.
Many dogs love to swim, but they can inadvertently add urine & fecal matter to the water. One dog is the equivalent of 10 -50 people, which means that they also can absorb much of the available chlorine in the water and add contaminants. Dog hair and fur always ends up in the water after they swim, adversely affecting the water chemistry. A dog’s skin is 7x more absorbent to chlorine than human skin, so that also can cause harm to your furry friend if they are in the water for too long.
To-Do: If your dog does enter the pool occasionally, be sure to shock afterwards. Shocking your pool just means you are adding more chlorine to a level where contaminates such as algae and bacteria are destroyed, leaving you with a clear and clean pool.
When hosting summer parties- like a 4th of July celebration- typically your pool company would have added choline sufficient enough for your family size. However, if 10 extra people are over to swim it depletes chlorine much faster. An increase in bather load, decreases the chlorine. This leads to a green pool after your party- which is confusing for homeowners and leaves them frustrated thinking the maintenance company is not doing their job correctly.
To-Do After extra guests come to swim and you are in between pool maintenance, shock afterwards or add a gallon of chlorine. You can buy chlorine at the grocery or local pool supply store.
Monsoons can often time bring in a lot of unwanted items into your pool.
Run the pool filter pump after a storm to help filter out dust. HOWEVER, if you have a very leafy pool, be sure to skim the surface of the pool with a net & empty the skimmer basket to prevent it from getting clogged and obstructing the water flow to the pump.
To-Do: Skim the debris, empty the skimmer basket, and run pool filter pump. If you need help call us!