3 Signs your Pool Needs Resurfacing

3 Signs your Pool Needs ResurfacingTaking care of your pool is crucial for its longevity, resale value of your home, and the wellbeing of anyone swimming in your pool. Aside from keeping the chemicals balanced and cleaning it regularly, resurfacing your pool may be necessary after the years of wear and tear. Whether you bought a house with a pool, or you had the pool put in yourself, over time the surface of the pool will start to deteriorate and will need resurfacing. Resurfacing your pool can make it look like new again. If you think your pool is looking dingy and may need some extra attention from your local pool service company, there are 3 signs your pool needs resurfacing that you can check for before calling a professional to assesss the damage.

1. Surface Stains

When you see stains in your pool, the typical response is to take your pool brush and scrub the sides until the stain is gone. Stains are usually caused by the different chemicals and minerals such as calcium or salt, or debris that falls into your pool both naturally and after a major storm. Typically those stains can be eliminated with a simple cleaning but if you notice that the stains refuse to disappear after spending some time scrubbing at the sides of your pool, resurfacing may be in your future. Pool stains caused by algae are usually green, brown, or even red and can be harmful to your health. An acid wash can be performed as a first attempt to remove harsh stains but if that doesn’t work, resurfacing is your only solution.

2. Peeling or Flaking Plaster

The second of the 3 signs your pool needs resurfacing is when you see plaster that is flaking off into your pool or peeling in high traffic areas like the the stairs or the floor in the shallower regions. This can also be referred to as spalling and is usually caused by chemical imbalance over an extended period of time. A professional pool cleaning company can ensure that your chemicals are always balanced in order to avoid spalling and ultimately resurfacing of your pool. Once plaster begins to peel or flake, there is no other way to repair the pool than to resurface it.

3. Rough Surface Areas or Cracks

Have you ever gotten in a pool and noticed that your feet felt like they were rubbing against sandpaper when you touched the flooring of the pool? Or even worse, your kids get out of the pool and have bloody feet because of the rough surface? This goes hand in hand with the flaking plaster and is a huge sign that resurfacing is necessary. If you encounter rough surfaces throughout the flooring and sides of your pool, this could mean you have cracks as well. Cracks are harder to see than stains or flaking plaster, but are common if your pool was drained and left unfilled over a period of time. If you have cracks on the surface of your pool, you absolutely have to get them repaired which includes resurfacing your pool. Cracks that are not fixed can  cause major problems in and around your pool area. If you notice any cracks or rough surface areas in your pool, call your local pool service company to come out to assesss the damage and make the appropriate repairs.

Looking for a Pool Company After Reading the 3 Signs your Pool Needs Resurfacing?

After reading through these 3 signs your pool needs resurfacing, how are you feeling about your pool? Taking care of your pool doesn’t have to be difficult, especially if you have hired a professional to do the work for you. Resurfacing your pool is a great option for people who have purchased an older home with a pool and are looking for that “new pool” look and feel. If you have any questions about pool resurfacing, feel free to contact us today! Our educated team is always available answer any pool related questions.

published on Wednesday, April 24th, 2019